6th WILCO project meeting in Dubrovnik - Wilco Project

6th WILCO project meeting in Dubrovnik

Event Details

May 23-24, 2013

Event Description

This meeting will feed into the remaining outputs of the WILCO project: the second book, which will look into interesting similarities and differences of welfare innovations across countries; a series of videos; and the final conference.

Three rounds of discussions will focus on:

  1. Patterns of innovations and how they contribute to social cohesion (introduced by Adalbert Evers)
  2. The interplay between discourses, instruments/approaches and social problems in social innovation (introduced by Sandro Cattacin)
  3. Governance of innovations: support, sustainability and scaling up (introduced by Taco Brandsen)

Discussion rounds will highlight the broader relevance of national findings and identify innovative approaches to be be mentioned in the WILCO recommendations to the EU.