Event Details
WILCO is thrilled to announce a unique event aimed at taking stock of all the research that has been done so far in the framework of the Framework Programmes as a way of preparing for Horizon 2020. WILCO organizes this event in collaboration with the European Commission as part of its dissemination strategy.
The goals of this seminar are:
- To encourage the exchange of ideas and best practices among EU-funded research projects on social innovation through a process of mutual knowledge building and discussion.
- To promote networking among members of different research projects on social innovation.
- To produce a publication that summarizes the tradition of social innovation research in Europe and outlines key questions / issues for future research.
- Participation in this seminar is by invitation only.
For more information, contact Rocío Nogales, WILCO Communications Coordinator, at info (at) emes.net
Event Description
Results from this event:
We’d like to thank Julie Simon from the TEPSIE project for her account on this event, which you can read here.