We are proud to announce the publication of “Social Innovations in the Urban context”, edited by Taco Brandsen, Sandro Cattacin, Adalbert Evers and Annette Zimmer, which is the final output…
We are proud to announce the publication of “Social Innovations in the Urban context”, edited by Taco Brandsen, Sandro Cattacin, Adalbert Evers and Annette Zimmer, which is the final output…
The German journal “Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen” on social movement research features WILCO researchers Cattacin, Brandsen, Ewers and Gluns on social innovation in an edition focussing on cities as generators of innovation. More details are available in German.
The WILCO policy brief, based on the final reort of the project, is now published on the Research and Innovation – Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities pages of the European Commission.
WILCO, among four international research projects funded by the European Commission, will present their policy-relevant findings to an audience of policy-makers, researchers, and interested others in Brussels.
The book provides an analysis of social and economic transformations driving the emergence of new social risks in European cities in the last two decades.
Four years of WILCO Project research in 20 cities across Europe have come to an end. Here you can read the final report on findings on the nature of local welfare innovations, their policy-contexts and sustainability, and the potential for innovation diffusion.
A total of 20 European cities have been studied in depth within the WILCO framework. This report series represents the first attempt at understanding how the cities have developed over the last decades and how changes have contributed to the current landscape in the areas of housing, employment, family and immigration.