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8. Ilot Stephenson neighbourhood

8.1. Short description Union is the name of one of the biggest urban renewal projects in the Roubaix-Tourcoing-Wattrelot district (Lille Metropolis). In a post-industrial site spreading across 80 hectares, a large project has been planned combining an eco-neighbourhood, a business hub and new housing, including 30 per cent of social housing. In a district called…

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Laurent Fraisse (CRIDA, Paris)

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9. Support for housing self-renovation in Lille Metropolis

9.1. Short description Within the scope of its second Local Housing Plan (PLMH2, 2008-2012)4 , Lille Metropolis chose to provide support for self-renovation at the beginning of 2011. This experiment is one of the actions contributing to the fight against poor quality and substandard housing (“lutte contre le mal logement”) but also against fuel poverty,…

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Laurent Fraisse (CRIDA, Paris)

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13. Le temps pour toit

13.1. Short description The project Time for Roof emerged in 2005 in the specific context of the years 2003-2005: the heat wave of the summer 2003 caused an enormous number of deaths of elderly people and highlighted the issue of isolation for elderly people living alone. Most French experiences of intergenerational cohabitation have been initiated…

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Anouk Coqblin and Laurent Fraisse (CRIDA, Paris)

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Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (Berlin)
16. Neighbourhood Management (NM)

16.1. Short description The innovative core of NM is combining spatial and urban planning with sectorial policy interventions in a defined territory (see above). Hence, the background approach of NM is mainly about networking among stakeholders and the pooling of local resources within districts with special development needs. The project is financed by a federal-regional…

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Benjamin Ewert and Adalbert Evers (Justus-Liebig University Giessen)

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Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (Berlin)
19. Kreuzberg Acts

19.1. Short description “Kreuzberg Acts – entrepreneurship in the district” pursues a twofold approach towards social inclusion. On the one hand, jobseekers and local entrepreneurs, half of them migrants, receive comprehensive consultancy to explore their entrepreneurial potentials or rather stabilise their business. For instance, those interested in founding a start-up are coached by local mentors…

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Benjamin Ewert and Adalbert Evers (Justus-Liebig University Giessen)

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26. Osthuesheide neighbourhood

26.1. Short description Osthuesheide is a neighbourhood consisting of several apartment blocks with about 800 inhabitants. They were built in 1963 by a private company and have since been used by the British army. Gradually, the apartments have been sold to private investors or individual owner-occupiers since the late 1970s. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s,…

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Patrick Boadu, Danielle Gluns, Christina Rentzsch, Andrea Walter and Annette Zimmer (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)

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27. Hafenforum

27.1. Short description The Hafenforum was a broad moderated citizen participation process carried out in 2010 and 2011, concerning a plan to reshape Münster’s harbour area and the surrounding densely populated Hansaviertel. The Hafenforum and its repercussions represent a new episode in the swelling conflict in terms of urban development projects within the city of…

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Patrick Boadu, Danielle Gluns, Christina Rentzsch, Andrea Walter and Annette Zimmer (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)

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31. Fare e abitare – Doing and living project

31.1. Short description This project was also developed by Immobiliare Sociale Bresciana. Fare e abitare is a very small but quite innovative project devoted to young people (aged 18-30 years) who want to leave their family and live independently. Two apartments (100 per cent furnished) are available, one for two young people and the other…

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Giuliana Costa and Stefania Sabatinelli (Politecnico di Milano)

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32. Una casa in più – One house more project

32.1. Short description The project has been developed by a very small cooperative, the Cooperative Scalabrini Bonomelli. The cooperative was born in 1990 as a building cooperative, acknowledging migrants’ needs voiced out in the Brescia Diocese Secretariat for Migrants8 (“Segretariato Migranti della Diocesi di Brescia”) from 1981 onwards. The cooperative’s mission was, from the beginning,…

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Giuliana Costa and Stefania Sabatinelli (Politecnico di Milano)

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35. Fondazione Housing Sociale

35.1. Short description The Fondazione Housing Sociale (FHS) has been chosen as a case on innovation in housing policies in Milan even if its scope is regional and now, as will be explained, national. It is a pioneer experience that gave birth to the first ethical fund for social housing in Italy, anticipating ad hoc…

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Sabatinelli S. and Costa G. (Politecnico di Milan)

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Content keywords

Keywords: Activation | Activation policies | Case management | Child care | Child education | Citizen initiatives | Citizenship | Civil society | Co-funding | Co-production | Collaboration | Community | Community development | Democracy | Deregulation | Development | Diffusion | Disability | Employment services | Empowerment | Enabling | Entrepreneurialism | Entrepreneurship | European Social Fund | Family caregivers | Family Centres | Family needs | Family-minded | Gentrification | Governance | Grassroots initiatives | Housing corporation | Housing policy | Incubator | Integration | Labour market | Labour market integration | Local context | Local governance | Local governments | Local initiatives | Local welfare | Local welfare system | Lone mothers | Lone parent support | Micro-credit | Municipality | Neighbourhood | Neighbourhood revitalisation | Network | Networking | Participation | Partnerships | Personalising support | Political administrative system | Precarious working conditions | Preschool education | Privatisation | Public administration | Regional government | Segregation | Single mothers | Social and solidarity-based economy (SSE) | Social capital | Social cohesion | Social economy | Social enterprise | Social entrepreneurship | Social housing | Social housing policies | Social inclusion | Social investment | Social media | Subsidiarity | Sustainability | Third sector organisations | Unemployment | Urban gardening | Urban renewal | User choice | Welfare governance | Welfare mixes | Workfare | Young mothers | Youth unemployment

35. Fondazione Housing Sociale


35. Fondazione Housing Sociale
