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60. Miljardprogrammet (The Billion Programme)

60.1 Short description The background to “Miljardprogrammet” (The Billion Programme) can be traced to the so called “Million Homes Programme” (“Miljonprogrammet”) and the political consensus about the need to upgrade these areas both in terms of the physical buildings and environment, and range of services, but also dealing with the negative connotations that many of…

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Marie Nordfeldt and Anna Carrigan (Ersta Sköndal University College)

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69. The Unit for Temporary Housing (ULT)

69.1. Short description This municipal service offers temporary subsidised housing to vulnerable populations: foreign households in a challenging housing situation, people who become homeless and sometimes those who are seriously depressed following a separation, households with massive employment and debts problems. The project aims to counterbalance the effects of the Geneva very limited housing market…

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Nathalie Kapko and Sandro Cattacin

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74. Birmingham Municipal Housing Trust (BMHT)

74.1. Short description BCC devised a way of delivering affordable but high-quality new homes that limited financial risk through the formation of BMHT. Properties on BMHT sites were a mixture of council homes and those for outright sale built on council-owned land. An innovative financial model was developed in consultation with contractors that reduced upfront…

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Nadia Brookes, Jeremy Kendall and Lavinia Mitton (University of Kent)

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77. EKH

77.1. Short description In 2002, Inspectors classed the Housing Management Service provided by DDC as poor, with poor prospects for improvement. The inspection team gave the service no stars. The rating may be from 0-3, where 0 is poor and 3 is excellent. Action was needed to do more to make the Council’s homes meet…

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Lavinia Mitton, Nadia Brookes and Jeremy Kendall

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7. Non-profit housing organisation

7.1. Short description: context Institutional arrangement for housing policy at the local level, after the political turmoil in 1990, has been changed profoundly. Housing policy as a clear responsibility of different levels of state administration helping people to meet housing needs has disappeared. In that time, they were responsibility of local administration to sell public…

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Gojko Bežovan, Jelena Matančević and Danijel Baturina (Faculty of law, Zagreb)

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3. Public rental housing programme

3.1 Short description Public policies and reforms in the public sector, on the different level of state administration, are predominantly made via a top-down approach, often with political connotations (political will) and with lack of respect for empirical evidence or analyses related to the topic (Bežovan 2008). Over the last 20 years, the practice is…

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Gojko Bežovan, Jelena Matančević and Danijel Baturina (Faculty of law, Zagreb)

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3. Public rental housing programme


3. Public rental housing programme
