The concept of social innovation, its meaning and understanding is a relatively new approach for all stakeholders, even for the academic community. Social innovation as a driver of change and further development are poorly recognised among stakeholders in Zagreb. Although some of them are quite innovative and creative, they do not express a sufficient understanding…
3.1 Short description Public policies and reforms in the public sector, on the different level of state administration, are predominantly made via a top-down approach, often with political connotations (political will) and with lack of respect for empirical evidence or analyses related to the topic (Bežovan 2008). Over the last 20 years, the practice is…
2.1 Short description The association RODA – Parents in Action, with its innovative programme of activities was formed in the social space that was previously considered private and perceived as the responsibility of parents in traditional societies and their extended families. The need for such an initiative came with the increase in the number of…
1.1 Short description Within the IV component frame of accession assistance (IPA) “Development of human resources”, the Ministry of Health and Social Care (currently the field is within the Ministry of Social Politics and Youth) implemented the project “Establishing support in social integration and employment of disadvantaged and marginalised groups.” The estimated duration of the…
Local background of the social innovations The concept of social innovation, its meaning and understanding is a relatively new approach for all stakeholders, even for the academic community. This concept comes more as a part of Europeanization of social policy, one kind of top-down concept of modernisation of social policy. Social policy is mostly centralised…