This e-book, presenting case studies on innovative ways of coping at local levels with challenges to social cohesion, has been made possible by contributions and collaboration from many sides.
We, the editors, first want to thank all the activists, professionals, administrators and policy makers that gave access to the innovative attempts, achievements and experiences, presented in this collection. In many interviews, personal conversations and information exchanges they gave time and shared their knowledge.
Likewise this e-book represents an important part of over three years of research and networking by the teams that contributed to the WILCO project.
Furthermore it should be kept in mind that there is quite a long way from research material to a presentation and publishing designed for a wide an easy access. The staff from the EMES International Research Network, coordinated by Rocío Nogales, made this possible. Finally it should not be forgotten, that the whole research and working project has been made feasible by funding from the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union.
We, as the editors and organizers of this collection of cases of local social innovations are grateful for all of that. We hope that this book is interesting and helpful for a wide variety of people, reaching from activists on the ground and academics concerned over to politicians and professionals.
Giessen, Nijmegen, January 2014
Adalbert Evers
Benjamin Ewert
Taco Brandsen