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Zagreb – Footnotes

  1. However, in case of discussion on increase of prices for children day-care, some stakeholders have seen that civil society organizations are happy to come under the umbrella of political parties, this association included, if it meets their interest.
  2. In that time, it was strong opposition to the Mayor in the city assembly
  3. The problems of limitations of state administration are recognised, for Croatia and other transitional countries, as serious obstacles for further modernisation and development
  4. Bežovan, G. (2010) Achievements and challenges of welfare mix development, (in Croatian) Zagreb: CERANEO.
  5. In the survey of a WILCO project member of civil society organisations, RODA documented how their members live in terrible housing conditions, a four-member family of young generations live in a flat of 26 m2. Affordability is a crucial problem for young families and it is a serious obstacle for them having more children.
  6. As a curiosity, one major recently stated that civil society organisations pressurised him into investing money in a shelter for abandoned dogs, but he wondered why there was no such pressure from civil organisations to invest money in affordable rental housing, as a real priority.
  7. An example of this debate addressing pressing housing needs says about housing deprivation “I live with my folks in 40 square metres and my younger teenage brother and I have had it! On top of it all, a cousin from Dalmatia came to stay with us for a month to attend a college preparation course… we all almost ended up killing each other…”
  8. Tenants in social housing programme very often are not willing to pay rent and other costs related to housing (electricity, gas, heating, water, communal fee). Besides that, internal maintenance in social flats is a problem for owners.
  9. Now there are 558 families as tenants in his programme and local government officials see that some families threatened with recent crisis might be a problem, as they are not eligible for housing allowance, to cover increasing housing costs. In cases of worsening of economic situations, this issue might be critical for sustainability innovation or scaling-up as part of the learning process, making the housing allowance programme eligible for public rental housing tenants.
  10. Inside the WILCO project, for the purpose of further understanding outcomes of this innovation, a survey will be carried out on the sample of tenants in this public rental housing programme.

Content keywords

Keywords: Activation | Activation policies | Case management | Child care | Child education | Citizen initiatives | Citizenship | Civil society | Co-funding | Co-production | Collaboration | Community | Community development | Democracy | Deregulation | Development | Diffusion | Disability | Employment services | Empowerment | Enabling | Entrepreneurialism | Entrepreneurship | European Social Fund | Family caregivers | Family Centres | Family needs | Family-minded | Gentrification | Governance | Grassroots initiatives | Housing corporation | Housing policy | Incubator | Integration | Labour market | Labour market integration | Local context | Local governance | Local governments | Local initiatives | Local welfare | Local welfare system | Lone mothers | Lone parent support | Micro-credit | Municipality | Neighbourhood | Neighbourhood revitalisation | Network | Networking | Participation | Partnerships | Personalising support | Political administrative system | Precarious working conditions | Preschool education | Privatisation | Public administration | Regional government | Segregation | Single mothers | Social and solidarity-based economy (SSE) | Social capital | Social cohesion | Social economy | Social enterprise | Social entrepreneurship | Social housing | Social housing policies | Social inclusion | Social investment | Social media | Subsidiarity | Sustainability | Third sector organisations | Unemployment | Urban gardening | Urban renewal | User choice | Welfare governance | Welfare mixes | Workfare | Young mothers | Youth unemployment

Zagreb – Footnotes


Zagreb – Footnotes

