At the Brescia grassroots meeting social innovators, researchers and local adminstrators discussed local consequences of the economic crisis and called for a reduction of administrative obstacles in order to facilitate welfare innovations.
At the Brescia grassroots meeting social innovators, researchers and local adminstrators discussed local consequences of the economic crisis and called for a reduction of administrative obstacles in order to facilitate welfare innovations.
The objective of this series of reports is to study the interplay of innovations with local welfare systems, to identify critical factors and think about appropriate ways of up-scaling innovations.
The Brescia report on innovations, part of a series describing innovative projects in the areas of housing, employment, family care and immigrant integration in 20 cities across Europe, presents and analyses cases of social innovation in three areas of Brescia’s local welfare: re-insertion of specific groups of population; activities for families in need; and housing solutions for different target groups.
The event was titled “The City between Vulnerability and Innovation” and addressed policy-makers, scholars, civil society activists and interested members of the public.
A total of 20 European cities have been studied in depth within the WILCO framework. This report series represents the first attempt at understanding how the cities have developed over the last decades and how changes have contributed to the current landscape in the areas of housing, employment, family and immigration.