A total of 20 European cities have been studied in depth within the WILCO framework. This report series represents the first attempt at understanding how the cities have developed over the last decades and how changes have contributed to the current landscape in the areas of housing, employment, family and immigration.
This series of city report maps the problems of social inequality and cohesion at the local level, as the background for the research on local social innovations in the subsequent part of the project. The reports include
- (1) an analysis of the main characteristics and trends of the local labour market (main sectors, employment and unemployment levels, groups of population mainly affected by long-term unemployment);
- (2) an analysis of demographic structure of the population and of the trends taking place in the preceding ten years (proportion of the elderly, fertility and natality rates, proportion of immigrants and their distribution in the urban territory, etc.);
- (3) an analysis of the housing market, with special attention to critical situations such as overcrowding, difficult affordability, evictions, homelessness;
- (4) an analysis of migration trends, of migrants’ flows into the city, of the composition of migrant population, its features, changes and possible risks of exclusion and segregation.
Malmö SE
Stockholm SE
Barcelona SP
Birmingham UK
Geneva CH
Bern CH
Warsaw PL
Plock PL
Milan IT
Brescia IT
Muenster DE
Berlin DE
Nantes FR
Lille FR
Varazdin HR
Zagreb HR
Amsterdam NL
Nijmegen NL