
A full-fledged dissemination plan will be designed for the project, aimed at four different types of audiences, namely:

  1. The scientific community
  2. Practitioners
  3. Policymakers
  4. The general audience

The following tools and channels will be used, some of which can be downloaded from this website:

  • Contributions in leading peer-reviewed journals, reviews and periodicals
  • Working Papers
  • Edited volumes on specific topics
  • Scientific mid-term workshops
  • Various project summaries and briefs
  • Local grassroots events
  • Final conference
  • Policy recommendations
  • Press releases and media events

For any question regarding the dissemination of WILCO, you can contact Rocío Nogales .


The views expressed in this web site do not necessanly reflect the views of the European Commission

Upcoming activities


The other city - Public conference series

WILCO is contributing to the series of conferences called “The other city”, aimed at bringing forward some of the hidden faces, often unknown and almost always ignored, of some European cities. This unknown side of the city includes the creative potential of alternative artistic expressions, to the presence of rural immigrants or the (unplanned) consequences of urban planning. By choosing a different venue in the city for each conference, the University will go out of its comfort zone (symbolically and physically) and establish a firsthand connection with these hidden faces.

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Panel on Welfare Innovations at the Local Level: Intermediate conclusions from the WILCO project

As one of the partners of WILCO, NISPACEE will host a panel devoted to WILCO in its 2012 and 2013 conferences. The first one of them will take place at the 20th NISPAcee Conference 2012, which will be held in Ohrid (Macedonia) in May 23 - 26, 2012 with the title "Public Administration East and West: Twenty Years of Development".

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Main institutional partners