Grassroots events

These events will be organized at nationally by consortium members interested in creating a discussion forum for citizens about innovation in welfare services at the local and European levels. They will also constitute specific entry points for citizen participation in policy-making on areas covered by the project.

Specific dates and locations will be announced in due date in order to allow for registration. In addition, a summary from each event will be published in this website.

No events avilable

Final Conference

An open conference will be organized to disseminate the results of WILCO at the European level at the end of 2013.

Members of WILCO’s four main audience groups – the scientific community, European, national and local policy makers, practitioners and the general public - will be invited to discuss ways of enhancing the EU funded research and transfer its results to the various systemic levels. The scientific community will be invited and encouraged to attend so as to improve the sustainability and transferability of project results. External experts will also be invited to provide their insight and provide a relevant framework capable of inserting WILCO’s proposed theory into the existing scientific corpus. Additionally, avenues for exploiting project findings at both levels (e.g. contributing to policy innovation or producing a set of tools for practitioners).

Participation in the conference will be open to the public although on-line registration will be required. The program as well as registration information will be available on this web site when the date approaches.

No events avilable

Other events

You can find here a list of upcoming and past events related to WILCO.


3rd Consortium meeting

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WILCO 2nd consortium meeting

The second consortium-wide meeting of WILCO will take place at the University of Barcelona on 29-30 April 2010.

WILCO_agenda_2nd_meeting.pdf - 2532 KB
Conclusions_WILCO_2nd_meeting_Barcelona.pdf - 151 KB

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WILCO kick-off meeting

The WILCO consortium held its first meeting at Radboud University Nijmegen on 17-18 December 2010.

WILCO 1st meeting agenda.pdf - 2759 KB
WILCO 1st meeting PPT.pdf - 1020 KB

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The views expressed in this web site do not necessanly reflect the views of the European Commission

Basic Information

Begin: December 2010
End: December 2013
Radboud University Nijmegen
EU Contribution: 2,447,645 €
Project Number: SSH-CT-2010-266929

Upcoming activities


3rd Consortium meeting

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Main institutional partners