Event Details
Dover District Council’s Office
22 January, 2014
Event Description
Twelve of the forty or so elected District Councillors attended the WILCO Dover grassroots event, as did the Chief Executive. The participants spanned the political spectrum.
Following a short presentation by Dr Lavinia Mitton from the UK WILCO team we hosted a roundtable on the theme of ‘Supporting social innovation at the local level: Ways of fostering active participation by the public‘. This topic is of practical interest to Dover local policy-makers who want to explore ways to fill the gaps in services left by austerity cuts with initiatives to help local communities do things for themselves. It is also of concern to local decision-makers who believe in engaging the public as a democratic principle.
Feedback from the event was positive. Councillors said they enjoyed getting together outside of a busy meeting to discuss some big ideas and a number expressed an interest in participating in future research with the UK WILCO team.