Event Details
Arcavacata di Rende, Calabria
19-21 September, 2013
Event Description
Members of the WILCO consortium will coordinate three streams in the upcoming ESPAnet network conference, which will take place in September in the Calabria Region.
Stream 1: “The local Welfare State”
This session will focus on causes and effects of the provision of local welfare services. This includes local policy and decision making structures and governance; how services are funded; how do private and public provision co-exist; what are the implications of the welfare municipality for policy out-comes and the developments of citizens rights. The aim of the session is to explore to what extent research carried out in Italy and in comparative perspective can contribute to expand our understanding of current welfare policy transformations.
Coordinators: Per H. Jensen and Costanzo Ranci
Stream 2: “The freeze of care policies in Southern European countries: exploring and comparing factors, trends and consequences”
This session addresses how and why Southern European welfare states have failed to reform themselves and have given rise to market solutions. Papers are invited that comparatively analyze the influence of different factors (cultural features, political ideology, financial constraints, the structure and functioning of the state and labour market and migration regulation) on the lack of social reforms and on the emergence of care markets in the field of childcare and/or LTC.
Coordinators: Barbara Da Roit and Stefania Sabatinelli
Stream 3: ” The social investment turn in welfare policies: opportunities and dilemmas”
This stream aims to discuss the social investment approach to welfare policies, placing it in the wider ongoing debate about welfare states transformations. This implies that both scientific concepts and links to social investment as part of policy discourses will be dealt with. Main focus lies on the emergence of this new paradigm in the “market of ideas” in the last decade as well as its different notions and the criticisms that it received. The stream aims to pose questions about the usefulness of the social investment approach in times of crisis and to what extent it can produce innovation in welfare policies.
Coordinators: Giuliana Costa and Adalbert Evers
The ESPAnet conference will take place September 19—21, 2013 in Arcavacata di Rende, Italy.