The Spanish team of the WILCO project was represented in the annual congress of the Spanish branch of ESPAnet.
On June 6th and 7th June, 2013 the University of Alcalá (Madrid) hostes the annual congress of the Spanish branch of ESPAnet. The event will include a panel devoted to social innovation (panel number 8) coordinated by Maite Montagut as well as a paper entitled Analysis of social innovation experiences in two cities (Barcelona and Pamplona) (“Análisis de experiencias de innovación social en dos ciudades (Barcelona y Pamplona)”) to be delivered by WILCO researchers Manuel Aguilar, Marta Llobet and Gemma Vilà.
These two presentations focused on social innovation at the local level and its emergence, which constitutes the main research topic of the WILCO project.
Go to the conference website: http://www3.uah.es/congresoreps2013/