
Solving social problems in cities and encouraging social innovation: Relevant findings for policy-making

30th of May 2012

Event Details

Date: May 30, 2012 (14:00 - 17:00)
Venue: Committee of the Regions (Bâtiment Jacques Delors, Rue Belliard, 99-101), Brussels (Belgium)

Event Description

The WILCO Midterm Seminar aims at sharing some of the project intermediate findings with policy-makers and representatives of public administrations.  In addition, a forum for discussing the relevance and impact of the project from the perspective of such a crucial project stakeholder group will be created.

The event is open to the public although a limited number of spaces are available, so preregistration is required.
For registration, please contact by 14 May 2012.

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Seminar on Co-production: the State of the Art

Supported and co-sponsored by some of the leading organization involved in the research on co-production, WILCO is proud to be one of the co-organizers of this event. 

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