
Radio clip: Annette Zimmer on "Münster Marketing? A check-up on housing, child care and labour market policies"

Posted on 27th of April 2012

Last March 21st, WILCO partner, Annette Zimmer participated in a radio series where she talked about WILCO and how it is being carried out in Münster (the other German city included in WILCO as case study is Berlin). The ocassion was a seminar she delivered as part of the Münster-Lille cooperative courses in political science titled "Münster Marketing? A check-up on housing, child care and labour market policies" (Münster Marketing? Wohnungsbau-, Kinderbetreuungs- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik auf dem Prüfstand ). One of the central topics of a seminar was WILCO and specifically its focus on housing as a crucial policy area for improvement through local social innovations.

The radio clip can be heard in German by clicking here.

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