
WILCO Midterm seminar: Discussing policy implications of social innovation

Posted on 11th of June 2012

The WILCO Midterm Seminar was held at the Committee of the Regions (Brussels) on May 30th, 2012, The half-day event aimed at sharing some of the project intermediate findings with policy-makers and representatives of public administrations. As a way of providing some thought-provoking points for the discussion, we counted with the presence of excellent spakers, namely, MEP Pervenche Berès, Chairwoman of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and Mrs Louise Pulford, from the Young Foundation and Head of Social Innovation Exchange.

The comment of Mrs Berès on the significance of social innovation in the European Parliament is available on video here.

In addition, the particular vision about social innovation from an artists perspective was presented by Amsterdam-based artist, Masha Ru. Her short-film (available here) on a specific social innovation housing initiative for artists in The Netherlands (The Bookstore Project) offered a fresh look at this social innovation experience in the field of housing.

Some of the pictures of the event are available here.



Program of the WILCO Midterm Seminar - 306 KB

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