We are proud to announce the publication of “Social Innovations in the Urban context”, edited by Taco Brandsen, Sandro Cattacin, Adalbert Evers and Annette Zimmer, which is the final output…
We are proud to announce the publication of “Social Innovations in the Urban context”, edited by Taco Brandsen, Sandro Cattacin, Adalbert Evers and Annette Zimmer, which is the final output…
The German journal “Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen” on social movement research features WILCO researchers Cattacin, Brandsen, Ewers and Gluns on social innovation in an edition focussing on cities as generators of innovation. More details are available in German.
The WILCO policy brief, based on the final reort of the project, is now published on the Research and Innovation – Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities pages of the European Commission.
WILCO, among four international research projects funded by the European Commission, will present their policy-relevant findings to an audience of policy-makers, researchers, and interested others in Brussels.
The book provides an analysis of social and economic transformations driving the emergence of new social risks in European cities in the last two decades.
At the Brescia grassroots meeting social innovators, researchers and local adminstrators discussed local consequences of the economic crisis and called for a reduction of administrative obstacles in order to facilitate welfare innovations.
The Polish WILCO team organized 3 meetings in Warsaw in 2013, each one bringing together academics, representatives of Warsaw public administration, NGOs and beneficiaries of services. WILCO findings were presented by students of sociology.
Fifteen participants representing the municipal administration and political institutions, civil society and the media discussed the future orientations of the local welfare state in Geneva.
On the 6th of November 2013, the Swiss WILCO team invited local representatives of Bern administration, political institutions and civil society for a return of results.
A large number of people representing different organizations and the academic world attended this WILCO grassroots event in Warsaw.