Event Details
Ersta Sköndal College University, Stockholm, Sweden
November 6, 2012
Event Description
Sweden was the first country to host a WILCO National Grassroots’ Event. In the spirit of collaboration and synergy-building that WILCO promotes, the Swedish member of the consortium, Ersta Sköndal College University, held this meeting around the WILCO project during a broader two-day conference on civil society and local welfare in partnership with Sektor3 and Kista Folkhögskola.
There was a video presentation on “Welfare mixes, governance, and social services at the local level in Europe” by Adalbert Evers, one of the German members of WILCO and Professor of Comparative Health and Social Policy at Justus-Liebig University (Germany). The presentation was followed by feedback from commentators.
The goal of the WILCO Grassroots Events was to gather all people interested in any aspect of the project and its analysis of social innovation in Malmö and Stockholm. The format was informal and focused on getting the maximum amount of feedback from all participants about the relevance of WILCO and its results as well as suggestions on how to make it stronger. The Swedish members of the WILCO team led this event that brought together policy-makers and public administrators, social entrepreneurs, social innovators, journalists and social media representatives, students as well as other researchers.
Poster of the event – 98KB