“Innovating in times of crisis” – The challenges of social cohesion for social welfare systems - Wilco Project


Event Details

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Egipcíaques, 15
08001 Barcelona


  • 9:30 Welcome and Introduction to the Seminar
    WILCO Team Members
  • 10:00 Challenges for Social Innovation
    Prof. Teresa Montagut (UB)
  • 10:30 An innovative project in Sweden
    Dr Ola Segnestam (Ersta Sköndal University)
    Open discussion
  • 11:30 Coffee Break
  • 12:00 An innovative project in Germany
    Prof. Annette Zimmer (Münster University)
  • 12.30 An innovative project in Pamplona
    Dr. Manuel Aguilar (UB)
  • 13:00 Open discussion
  • 13:45 Closing of the seminar

Event Description

The local level allows to define a specific social welfare system. The various actors involved (politicians, professionals, organizations or civil society) along with the dynamics and the institutional inertia, are capital for explaining and thus determining its own development.

Given the current crisis, it is now more important than ever to rethink how social needs are addressed. The project WILCO organizes the seminar “Innovating in times of crisis” and invites all people and institutions involved in social welfare. The seminar aims to be a meeting point for reflecting on the challenges of social innovation and, simultaneously, to find a place to know some of the innovative projects being undertaken in other cities Europe.

The event is open to the public although it is specifically aimed at politicians, experts, professionals, volunteers, researchers, and students. Registration to the event is no longer possible due to completion of all the available spaces.