(JLU), Germany
The Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, is a full University with 11 departments, having presently about 24.000 students. Due to the membership of Professor Evers in two Institutes, research traditions and activities from two sides have to be taken into account – the Institute for Political Science, part of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences and the Institute for Household Economics, part of the Faculty for Agricultural Sciences and Environmental Planning. The Institute for Political Science has a tradition and experience in European Studies as well as in studies on governance, having installed lately a master course in “Democracy and Cooperation”. The Institute for Household Economics, on the other hand, has a long research experience with respect to issues of social integration and the role of the family and with studies on family systems and the third sector as parts of plural welfare systems.
The most important research projects carried out by Adalbert Evers the last years that are relevant to this project are listed below; except the first one, which was funded by a German research foundation, all others have been carried out in the framework of EU-financed international projects: Von öffentlichen Einrichtungen zu sozialen Unternehmen. Hybride Organisationsformen im Bereich sozialer Dienstleistungen (From public institutions to social enterprises – hybrid organisations in the field of social services; The policies of social integration in Europe; Changing family structure and social policy: Child care services as sources of social cohesion; The socio-economic performance of social enterprises in field of integration by work; The emerging design of local labour market integration – elements and performance indicators; The EU-funded Network of Excellence Civil Society and New Forms of Governance in Europe (CINEFOGO).
Adalbert Evers
Adalbert Evers is Professor for Comparative Health and Social Policy. He studied architecture and urban planning at the Technical University in Aachen, Germany and completed his doctoral thesis in Political Sciences in 1977 at the University of Bremen. He and his working group are renowned on an international level when it comes to issues of analyzing welfare mixes and different forms of governance with respect to social services. Members of the Institute are involved in continuous policy advice on matters of family policy, gender equality, combating child poverty and issues of strengthening civic engagement. In this respect Adalbert Evers has worked as member of a Parliamentary Commission. He is a member of various professional organisations on national and international levels (till recently speaker of the section for social policy within the German Sociological Association; founding member and Vice-President of EMES, a European network of third sector researchers, as well as member of the board of several journals in the field, among them Public Management Review, Voluntas, Voluntary Sector Review, Journal of Social Policy Research.
Contact information:
- Adalbert Evers
- Benjamin Ewert
Other members
Benjamin Ewert
Benjamin Ewert studied Political Science at the Philipps-University Marburg and the Charles University Prague. Since 2007 he is a research assistant at the professorship for Comparative Health and Social Policy at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen. Benjamin worked as an administrator within the European Network of Excellence ‘Civil Society and New Forms of Governance’ (CINEFOGO). Since December 2010 he is employed as a junior researcher within the WILCO-project.