
All the results from the WILCO project will be published on this website or connected to it as they become available.

Based on the type of publics, different messages and formats will be produced but the premise if that everybody interested in how local social innovation emerges and can be replicated in different European contexts will find relevant information in this website.

Therefore, be it the scientific community, practitioners, policymakers and public administrators, journalist and opinion makers, or any citizen, we hope that you will find something that suits your interest and expectations. Should this not be the case, contact us and let us know.

You can choose from many formats:

And don’t forget that you can always suggest the type of format that suits your interest and we’ll do our best to provide it!


The views expressed in this web site do not necessanly reflect the views of the European Commission

Upcoming activities


PhD Conference: Local welfare systems and social cohesion

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Main institutional partners