Institute for Social Policy (ISP), Croatia
The Faculty of Law at the University of Zagreb is the leading Croatian academic institution, Institute for Social Policy- ISP, part of Department of Social Work, is the leading national institution dealing with social development issues. ISP provides interdisciplinary approach in teaching, researching and consultancy. ISP has a long experience of cooperation with relevant national and local stakeholders and also cooperation with colleagues from the region, Europe and USA. Through education, action oriented researches and publications, ISP influences public policies and provide usable knowledge for public policy making, monitoring and evaluation. From 1990 onwards, ISP has developed social policy as an academic discipline in Croatia. Around the ISP, from different field of social sciences, there is the network of prominent scientists and researchers with affinity to social policy. In education ISP organised the first postgraduate and PhD programme on social policy with the support of Ministry of Health and Social Care.
The most significant research projects in the past years are Strengthening civil society organisations as stakeholder of welfare mix (longitudinal research in partnership with the ministry of Health and Social Care and with support from Ministry of Science); Efficient and Democratic Multilevel Governance in Europe (CONNEX project, 6th Framework Programme);
Indicators of social cohesion and development of the Croatian social model (comprehensive research on trends and development of social policy at different levels); CIVICUS Index on civil society in Croatia (international comparative action oriented research on state of civil society). The Institute also worked on the Programme of social policy of the City of Zagreb (2009-2012) and on indicators of social issues in the City of Zagreb.
Gojko Bežovan
The head of the team will be Professor Gojko Bežovan, PhD, professor of social policy; director of master and PhD programme in Social policy and head of the ISP. He has published numerous articles, chapters of books, studies on social policy. He is a member of several expert groups dealing with social development.
The team will include Vlado Puljiz, founder of Croatian Journal of Social Policy and founder of social policy as academic discipline in Croatia. He issued numerous publications from this field. He is a member of more expert groups dealing with social reforms.
Contact information: Gojko Bezovan: