Event Details
May 13th, 2013
Warsaw University
Warsaw, Poland
Event Description
The objective of the WILCO grassroots conference titled “Social innovations in the welfare policy of the cities and activity of the third sector – as the means of counteracting/ prevention of social exclusion” was to present the results of research conducted within the framework of the WILCO project.
The panel discussion was dedicated to the subject of “Experience in implementation of innovative solutions of the local authorities and NGOs of Warsaw and Płock, aimed at counteracting and preventing social exclusion”.
Invitated were members of the Polish Parliament, representatives of the central and local administration, NGOs and the scientific community working on social exclusion.
The key speakers of the conference included:
• Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz, The Secretary of State, Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment;
• Professor Taco Brandsen, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, coordinator of the WILCO project;
• Professor Annette Zimmer, Münster University, Germany.
• Professor Renata Siemieńska, University of Warsaw, Academy of Special Education, supervisor of the Polish part of the WILCO project
The conference programme
12:00–12:30 Opening of the conference
• Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz, Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment
• Professor Renata Siemieńska, University of Warsaw, Academy of Special Education, supervisor of the Polish part of the WILCO project
12:30–13:00 Assumptions, objectives, achievement of the international WILCO project. Local welfare policy innovations for cohesion, professor Taco Brandsen, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, coordinator of the WILCO project
13:00–13:30 The economic crisis and local initiatives of the social policy to counteract social exclusion in Germany, professor Annette Zimmer, Münster University, Germany
13:30–14:00 Discussion
14:00–14:45 Lunch
14:45–15:30 Are there specific problems and means to counteract social exclusion in Poland? professor Renata Siemieńska, Anna Domaradzka, Ph.D, Ilona Matysiak, Ph.D, R.B. Zajonc Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw
15:30–16:45 Panel discussion: Experience in implementation of solutions proposed by local authorities and NGOs of Warsaw and Płock to counteract and prevent social exclusion
• Anna Anuczak, Monopol Warszawski Association
• Roberto Cobas Avivar, social worker cooperating with tenant movement
• Małgorzata Falis, president of „Moms’ Cooperative” (Warsaw)
• Beata Puda, president of Centrum Innowacji Społeczeństwa Informacyjnego (Płock)
• Iwona Tandecka, president of the Management Board of the Grant Fund for Płock
• Magdalena Wojno, Center for Social Communication of the capital city of Warsaw
16:45–17:00 Discussion
17:00–17:10 Summary of the conference, professor Renata Siemieńska.