
You can find here a list of News related to WILCO.

"Adopting, adapting, transferring and translating" some thoughts on WILCO by SIX

Posted on 10th of September 2012


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"Social Innovations for Social Inclusion. On concept and first findings of a cross-country study"

Posted on 6th of September 2012


German WILCO members' Adalbert Evers & Benjamin Ewert from Giessen will present this article at the ESPAnet Anniversary Conference at the School of Social and Political Science of the University of Edinburgh (Scotland).

The article will be presented as part of the “Social Innovation and Social Investment” stream. More information about the vairous streams included in the conference can be found here.

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WILCO Midterm seminar: Discussing policy implications of social innovation

Posted on 11th of June 2012


The WILCO Midterm Seminar was held at the Committee of the Regions (Brussels) on May 30th, 2012, The half-day event aimed at sharing some of the project intermediate findings with policy-makers and representatives of public administrations. As a way of providing some thought-provoking points for the discussion, we counted with the presence of excellent spakers, namely, MEP Pervenche Berès, Chairwoman of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and Mrs Louise Pulford, from the Young Foundation and Head of Social Innovation Exchange.

The comment of Mrs Berès on the significance of social innovation in the European Parliament is available on video here.

In addition, the particular vision about social innovation from an artists perspective was presented by Amsterdam-based artist, Masha Ru. Her short-film (available here) on a specific social innovation housing initiative for artists in The Netherlands (The Bookstore Project) offered a fresh look at this social innovation experience in the field of housing.

Some of the pictures of the event are available here.


Program of the WILCO Midterm Seminar - 306 KB

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Radio clip: Annette Zimmer on "Münster Marketing? A check-up on housing, child care and labour market policies"

Posted on 27th of April 2012


Last March 21st, WILCO partner, Annette Zimmer participated in a radio series where she talked about WILCO and how it is being carried out in Münster (the other German city included in WILCO as case study is Berlin). The ocassion was a seminar she delivered as part of the Münster-Lille cooperative courses in political science titled "Münster Marketing? A check-up on housing, child care and labour market policies" (Münster Marketing? Wohnungsbau-, Kinderbetreuungs- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik auf dem Prüfstand ). One of the central topics of a seminar was WILCO and specifically its focus on housing as a crucial policy area for improvement through local social innovations.

The radio clip can be heard in German by clicking here.

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Student film on housing challenges in Münster

Posted on 30th of November 1999


As part of one of the political science courses taught by Prof. Annette Zimmer at University of Münster, students were asked to produce a film on one of the WILCO topics. The film, entitled "Kinderhaus”, focuses on housing problems in a northern suburb of Münster.

We would like to thank the student production team and Prof. Zimmer for allowing us to share this piece with WILCO stakeholders.

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Seminar on Co-production: the State of the Art

Supported and co-sponsored by some of the leading organization involved in the research on co-production, WILCO is proud to be one of the co-organizers of this event. 

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